About The Brick Studio

We’ve worked on projects in Residential, Commercial, Hospitality, and Retail design. This has enabled us to build a varied portfolio. The design and technology approach of The Brick Studio is innovative and adaptable. We strive to provide our clients with architectural and interior design solutions that are not only distinctive, but also practical. People, art, culture, history, and places inspire us. We’re an architecture and interior design firm that puts the needs of our clients first. To us, our work is a collaborative process, and we strive to exceed the expectations of our clients. Great design, in our opinion, is built on a foundation of clarity and simplicity. The process of designing a space is similar to the process of constructing a character. The Brick Studio’s goal is to satisfy a wide range of clients with high-quality design work.

Highest rated Architecture & Interior Designing Solutions          By The Brick Studio

What We Do

The Brick Studio brings best services with value, potential cost saving, and provide you
with a predictable outcome.

Design & Construction

With our hard work and dedication, we've become a well-known name in the field of Interior Design

Rennovation & Reconstruction

We’re offer reconstruction & rennovation service for any types of home & buildings.

Turnkey Contracting

We offer full contracting services and have the flexibility to assist our clients

Floor Plan Design

We offer full floor plan design services and have the flexibility to assist our clients

“ The secret to the successful implementation of this project is simple. We just brought together the best people and understood that we were facing a task that is unique in its scale & ignificance. ”

Robert Downey Jr

Project Director

Conor McGregor


CEO-founder of Kons Construction Co he manages the development of projects from Madrid to Shanghai whilst also beign to CTBUH representative for Spain; all of this alongside his continuous resararch into sustainable architecture. He received his masters degree in architecture from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid in 1980.